Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Homemade Rabbit Water Bottles

18/04/2010 want to relive a day like that.

Prayes For Anaversary

biancoblutimes The list of "Waiting for the Pro-Pizzeria .."

a) Play with our jerseys, the historical ones, the ones biancoblù. It is not acceptable to impose himself on command dear Society T-shirts to play with, the more the Bacigalupo (our colors are biancoblù, Legino that adapt to the others ...).
b) It is that every fan in his own little take action to bring their friends and acquaintances at the stadium. The challenge on Sunday deserves it. The Savona calls.
c) Attention to the fans of the tier, the post yesterday against just foresight to be against the gradinata nasce dalle lamentele di alcuni tifosi ( con la burrasca che c'era il minimo era offrire il postoal coperto..oltre che ringraziare per essere venuti ugualmente ad assistere ad una gara di serie C2) . Probabilmente le nuove norme rendono complicato anche lo spostamento del pubblico, ma domenica nemmeno si ci è provato, e cosa grave ( e lo ribadiamo...) un papà accusava di aver trovato a metà del 1° tempo la biglietteria tribuna chiusa (il chè è anche contrario ai regolamenti..e una Società professionistica deve fare attenzione a certe cose, altrimenti poi arrivano le ammende...e poi hai voglia a lamentarti...).
d) Domenica we would like the team pulled out their best, and at Vercelli in their own half from start to finish. Vercelli will immediately understand that the environment will be SPORTS hot.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What Does A Central Canal Stenosis Mean

The Pizzeria will not go to Baci

A Legino in a week against the former Pizzeria (now PRO).
Looking at the title we would like our readers (non-Savona) not understand. We will explain now. We're not talking about recipes or food, but only an observation, the next challenge between Savona and housewife (the quotation marks ocio) "Pro Vercelli," another is not that a Belvedere Pro Vercelli Savona, Savona renamed historically PIZZERIA BELVEDERE VERCELLI . In fact, the old and glorious Pro, which went bankrupt last summer and so burdened by debt, so what came up in Valsesia, an attractive cast, and the game is done, the former Pizzeria suddenly becomes the "PRO" Yet less than one year ago this happened (see here http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/?action=read&id=172323 ..).. to establish the distance between the two sides ... ..... boh mysteries of football.
Without this premise, and setting aside the student spirit, the race is very important, a real big match of the championship, win re-open games in full, even if there are only seven races. The Savona in this match should prove to be even stronger than the wrongs, remember as with the "Pizza Chef" the Federation has shown extremely lenient, whereas to us he used the machete. In addition to think the worst is a sin ... but ... since the rigor solar (some say for the day yesterday ...) , kerosene, marked, very clear (if between the lines even by guests .. .) Savona denied by referee quell'incompetente Pugliese "SORICARO VINCENZO", a name a guarantee, the clues begin to really be too much.
Now let's concentrate on the challenge of Sunday, Cities do not have to talk about something else, must be the mother of all battles for many reasons, not least the undeserved defeat at the Pit leg. And pizza pizza, we offer Sunday ....

How To Make Hermes Costume

Bacigalupo system obsolete, and yesterday the company could do more ...

Gradinata too often exposed to the elements.
Cool. So cold, water in gusts, cold north wind that swept away everything as if they were toothpicks and broke the umbrella of the fans (the ATA it will be found in dozens this morning) ... last game was a firm, but not least are to consider the (few) daredevils who challenged his maestà maltempo pur di sostenere i ragazzi.
Forse si poteva chiudere la gradinata per ieri, e sistemare tutti sotto la tribuna coperta. Perchè non si é fatto?! Non è dato sapersi.... Tra l'altro (e questo é piuttosto antipatico..) alcuni ritardatari con figli a seguito, hanno riferito di aver trovato la biglietteria lato tribuna chiusa, morale della favola per assistere alla partita sono stati costretti al freddo e all'acqua anche i bambini (personalmente me ne sarei andato a casa...). Insomma, nessuno si offenda, ma si poteva far sicuramente meglio. Se non altro perchè eravamo davvero pochi, e le condizioni erano davvero impervie (non siamo fortunati col tempo, ma ieri era quasi impossibile assistere alla gara..) . Inoltre un tifo sotto la tribuna, avrebbe reso di più...
Ribadiamo organizzativamente si poteva fare meglio, anche perchè se non si hanno queste "accortezze" é inutile poi "incolpare" la gente che " sta a casa".., ha davvero poco senso prendere acqua e gelo per 2 ore.....sarebbe bastato un annuncio dall'altoparlante (in passato é stato fatto...), tutti in tribuna. Va bene i colori, ma senza esagerare.