Saturday, July 24, 2010

Como Se Dice En Castellano Warts

Friday of the book: "There is no family without chaos"

"My mother read many books on education, participate in conferences and seminars like this and then come home all elated," she confides Thorben, 12 years, with a straight face and decided tone, during a seminar for parents whose children were also invited. "I feel" says chuckling, "that is for her to go smoke a pipe as educational." I looked at him incredulously. "What?" "Yes, what you get junkies, drug addicts. My mom has already become dependent!" "From what?" "You should see the mountain of books on education that is on his bedside table." He shakes his head: "Man, I really have to be a pest. And when the mother goes to these seminars, then try to put into practice everything they have said! Some things really work. But first we must be able to think. In these lectures taught to think like us! "" How? "Ride:" Yes, as the children! "" And how they think the children? "" In a simple but smart! "Thorben he beats his chest, pleased ...

by: There is no family without chaos
by Jan-Uwe Rogge
published by: Net

These are the first one hundred sixty-seven (more a less) words of the preface of the book. Only 189 pages divided into three parts where "idle", "to bed without tantrums," "ordineneldisordine", "interference of the grandparents," "Mothers and Work", "separation", "extended families" are some of the topics covered in a simple and straightforward language often for me enlightening.
There are many around, I know, but worth it.
I leave you a special treat:
Susan, 11, says with depth: "Mother always wants my own good." And then she asks vaguely philosophical tone: "And how do I learn?"

Happy reading!


Saturday, July 17, 2010

How Many Subs At Subway For 9 Dollars

On Friday the book: princesses become

Yes, I know, in a few minutes will be on Sunday, be patient ...

[...] also Snow White, Cinderella, as my colleague, with amazing stoicism facing a fate that would cover the intent on wiping cloths and floors forever, even ithout the aid of the mop v. To avoid che la malinconia degeneri in istinto suicida (non potendo neppure farsi prescrivere un antidepressivo...), lei canta e fischietta come una radio perennemente accesa, trasformando in un ameno passatempo perfino l'occupazione più opprimente. [...]

da "Principesse si diventa" di Cinzia Felicetti, ed. Sperling & Kupfer
E' stato divertente leggerlo, poco più di 240 pagine in "rosa"; leggero ma non così scontato, piacevole da leggere sotto l'ombrellone.
D'altra parte siamo tutte principesse, no ?

Chances Of A Large Ovarian Cyst Being Malignant

"indiscutubili and indissoluble Truth"

I matrimoni sono belli. Anche quelli in piena estate. Non importa del caldo se davanti a te c'è your closest friend with eyes that shine. Although her husband now you pricks because once again you ignore it to devote your attention only to her. Rug Sorry, I wish you a great good and I do not do on purpose ... I like sermons on marriage, even if you do not agree with certain inseparable and indisputable "truth". But this is part of another story that will not go into right now. It 'was a great day of fun, relaxing and exciting. A family party, poolside, under the 'shadow of big trees in the company of people you often heard, almost unknown, different experiences, all linked by the affection felt for those two there, they have decided to get married at 11 mattino in piena estate. Guardarmi intorno e osservare più generazioni riunite, bambini e adulti esultanti come i bimbi sperduti di Peter Pan giocare nella piscina e a calcio nel prato, gli sposi starsene in costume come la maggior parte degli invitati... è stato il matrimonio che hanno desiderato, una gioia condivisa con le persone che fanno parte della loro quotidianità. E c'evamo anche noi. Quale dono più prezioso, oggi, per me e la mia famiglia?

Friday, July 16, 2010

How To Cut Capstones For A Wall

This Moment ...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fortune Witty Sample Message Wedding

from "The charm of the simple life" in July

Torrido, afoso, soffocante. Luglio. Rallenta. O fermati. E' il momento di spogliarsi di ambizioni e aspettative, come pure di viaggi per andare al lavoro, vestiti, mobile phones, calendars. Now our desires seem to have narrowed. Perhaps because the needs are met? A corner in the shade, a cold drink, a cool breeze in the house or outdoors. A truce between the harshness of the day. A holiday behavior. The summer is not so much a season as a melody, gaiety tune humming when the days, wonderfully, they begin to blur ... Sarah Ban Breathnach

Rotadent Toothbrush Vs Sonicare

There arrabbattiamo ...

But you see if I feel unwell to resume between the fingers on my little blog! Middle of summer here, we arrabbattiamo between work shifts (including overtime is not required), office hours messed up by necesito famigliari, campus estivo per i bambini, pareti domestiche da imbiancare (ok, per ora solo il soggiorno...), il matrimonio della mia amica alle porte, provare a fare la marmellata di limoni, mandare avanti il piccolo orto nei vasi( pomodorini de-li-zio-si!),e tutto il resto (diventato ormai ingestibile). Che bello però nei ritagli di tempo gustarsi la spiaggia, il lago, gli amici che con moolta pazienza cercano nel possibile di adeguarsi ai nostri ritmi... Mi ripeto che le ferie arriveranno presto mancano solo sei settimane e poi niente incastri di sorta, solo " facciamo quello che ci va di fare " senza dover pensare al lavoro . Non sono aggiornata sulle vostre novità e sui vostri progressi creativi, non sono ancora venuta a trovarvi nei vostri blog, and so much that I do not. Get myself even. Hugs to you all! Gabbi!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hardy Weinberg Problems

Resoconto Accesso alla Terra 5-6 giugno 2010

Meeting on access to land on Mount Alago 5-6 June 2010

Mount Alago The meeting, attended by little more than a dozen people from different places in central Italy did not produce any documents shared at the end of two days.
E 'should be noted, however, the commitment and passion that were discussed the issues of access to land without, unfortunately, bring out operations on the territories of note. Rather
were reported individual experiences and the confirmation that in some areas the informal markets are increase (eg. Sibillini).
themes were important civic uses and public land, much the discussion was about what we mean by "land rights", how to build content around a participatory and inclusive and struggle, on the routes to get this right to seek an informed cause and a real social force.
And 'The importance to the strategic level to strengthen existing networks in the territories and which arguably will be the cornerstones from which it is desirable to start a claim against the institutions.
A request that will maintain its character as "bioregional" and more will quell'intrinseca cohesion for comparison with force against regional and smaller institutions that hold the public domain.
addition, only through continued practice of struggle in the region and relations of mutual support between different bioregions can come and create confidence in a national co-ordination that is not just a hat ephemeral.
The claims lands should put in a concrete way of tools able to bypass the red tape and the attacks of any speculators. But for this to be done before a job of fleshing out. A work of responsibility and commitment that can take time and energy, aiming at the consolidation of shared principles, however, never granted, for inspiration whenever Genuine Clandestino will foster collective demands of managing land.
have been mentioned a bit 'on the grounds and the stories of the divisions within the rural movements, we reflected on how it is desirable to overcome these based on mutual respect (protection of biodiversity in nature and then we are for human monoculture? The bar J).
That's right despite some criticisms were expressed about sharing that path with the urban community in the fight, was also found the reason for this relationship is absolutely necessary and complementary. So some items from the meeting stressed the need for unity of people in the process of claim collective and the mirroring of the struggles that seemingly are far away or released.
We talked a lot of community and civic uses, trying to understand what they are and twists that are suffering. For civic uses is said in the urgency of their care through the tool of mapping. Here too it is necessary to use specific skills and energies. And 'the will to try to run a "map from below."
Inspired by the text of Vandana Shiva, "local communities have commonalities of biodiversity" and to be protected from speculative attacks (same state) and given greater coherence to their uses. The need
to preserve these forms does not mean that it is important to make land claims attached to specific projects of sustainable practices and research, environmental education and biodiversity protection. E 'responsibilities of living communities interact with the environment in different ways and communities-groups that if they are charged should be given the opportunity to practice these new relationships.
Windchill is also the need to release a re-creation of projects that still have an economic value and production. This fact excludes a priori all / the ones / who want the land to cultivate for their own consumption, to bring forward a way of life based on self-reliance and decrease, per vivere in modo libero, salubre e non mercificato.
Le proposte che avanziamo:

- una discussione teorica per definire e significare collettivamente il Diritto alla Terra;

- riteniamo importante aiutare sin da subito chi si sta mettendo in marcia offrendogli riferimenti legislativi e burocratici, ma soprattutto la bozza del progetto LaBandita già approvata dalla Regione Umbria e riproponibile ovunque. Promuovere l’autocreazione di gruppi locali che diano l’avvio ad un confronto tra quanti già hanno ottenuto terra e coloro che la cercano.

- Una mappatura degli usi civici

- Una mappatura di beni demaniali (in primis abbandonati e in disuso) che potrebbero diventare luoghi di comunità Living with the Earth.

Each area certainly has the resources and assets to start the creation of food and energy self-sufficient reality.
Being able to create a list of places abandoned and unused this would give body to our dream.
reporting from various places of bioregions would have the material to work together more effectively.
many / and was expressed as indeed it would be difficult to understand what are the available land, even for a certain obscurity of local agencies responsible for the area, always suspicious and reluctant to communicate the state-owned properties and maps.
But it is here that fits the passion of the Earth loves her and deals with any obstacles.
Insistere e creare fiducia nelle persone con cui parliamo.
E se proprio non vi vogliono sganciare le informazioni e qualche misera visura demaniale del bene che avete individuato e su cui state facendo qualche ricerca, allora non esitate ad appoggiarvi a noi come Mutuo Appoggio, come la Maknovicina siamo pronti a supportarvi.
Come CasaBandita aìnoi abbiamo maturato esperienza in questo percorso di confronto con le istituzioni e vorremmo servisse anche ad altre/i.
Segnaliamoci i casali abbandonati, i terreni in disuso e tutto ciò che è demanio pubblico e che versa nel degrado! Diamo la disponibilità a fare da punto di raccolta e a coordinarci con le altre realtà interessate a fare da raccoglitrici per le segnalazioni.

How many are there? How many would like to review or lived experience first?

widespread is the desire and the need to build a common path between the different realities or individuals who have tried, are trying or want to try to ask state-owned land. A common path that can be used to give courage and dispel the fears of those who are starting, and to give strength to those who have already begun. A common path that leads us to claim from the bottom a redistribution of land as an important right and heard.

Why is the land of those who work in a sustainable and responsible.