Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Homemade Rabbit Water Bottles

18/04/2010 want to relive a day like that.

Prayes For Anaversary

biancoblutimes The list of "Waiting for the Pro-Pizzeria .."

a) Play with our jerseys, the historical ones, the ones biancoblù. It is not acceptable to impose himself on command dear Society T-shirts to play with, the more the Bacigalupo (our colors are biancoblù, Legino that adapt to the others ...).
b) It is that every fan in his own little take action to bring their friends and acquaintances at the stadium. The challenge on Sunday deserves it. The Savona calls.
c) Attention to the fans of the tier, the post yesterday against just foresight to be against the gradinata nasce dalle lamentele di alcuni tifosi ( con la burrasca che c'era il minimo era offrire il postoal coperto..oltre che ringraziare per essere venuti ugualmente ad assistere ad una gara di serie C2) . Probabilmente le nuove norme rendono complicato anche lo spostamento del pubblico, ma domenica nemmeno si ci è provato, e cosa grave ( e lo ribadiamo...) un papà accusava di aver trovato a metà del 1° tempo la biglietteria tribuna chiusa (il chè è anche contrario ai regolamenti..e una Società professionistica deve fare attenzione a certe cose, altrimenti poi arrivano le ammende...e poi hai voglia a lamentarti...).
d) Domenica we would like the team pulled out their best, and at Vercelli in their own half from start to finish. Vercelli will immediately understand that the environment will be SPORTS hot.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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The Pizzeria will not go to Baci

A Legino in a week against the former Pizzeria (now PRO).
Looking at the title we would like our readers (non-Savona) not understand. We will explain now. We're not talking about recipes or food, but only an observation, the next challenge between Savona and housewife (the quotation marks ocio) "Pro Vercelli," another is not that a Belvedere Pro Vercelli Savona, Savona renamed historically PIZZERIA BELVEDERE VERCELLI . In fact, the old and glorious Pro, which went bankrupt last summer and so burdened by debt, so what came up in Valsesia, an attractive cast, and the game is done, the former Pizzeria suddenly becomes the "PRO" Yet less than one year ago this happened (see here http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/?action=read&id=172323 ..).. to establish the distance between the two sides ... ..... boh mysteries of football.
Without this premise, and setting aside the student spirit, the race is very important, a real big match of the championship, win re-open games in full, even if there are only seven races. The Savona in this match should prove to be even stronger than the wrongs, remember as with the "Pizza Chef" the Federation has shown extremely lenient, whereas to us he used the machete. In addition to think the worst is a sin ... but ... since the rigor solar (some say for the day yesterday ...) , kerosene, marked, very clear (if between the lines even by guests .. .) Savona denied by referee quell'incompetente Pugliese "SORICARO VINCENZO", a name a guarantee, the clues begin to really be too much.
Now let's concentrate on the challenge of Sunday, Cities do not have to talk about something else, must be the mother of all battles for many reasons, not least the undeserved defeat at the Pit leg. And pizza pizza, we offer Sunday ....

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Bacigalupo system obsolete, and yesterday the company could do more ...

Gradinata too often exposed to the elements.
Cool. So cold, water in gusts, cold north wind that swept away everything as if they were toothpicks and broke the umbrella of the fans (the ATA it will be found in dozens this morning) ... last game was a firm, but not least are to consider the (few) daredevils who challenged his maestà maltempo pur di sostenere i ragazzi.
Forse si poteva chiudere la gradinata per ieri, e sistemare tutti sotto la tribuna coperta. Perchè non si é fatto?! Non è dato sapersi.... Tra l'altro (e questo é piuttosto antipatico..) alcuni ritardatari con figli a seguito, hanno riferito di aver trovato la biglietteria lato tribuna chiusa, morale della favola per assistere alla partita sono stati costretti al freddo e all'acqua anche i bambini (personalmente me ne sarei andato a casa...). Insomma, nessuno si offenda, ma si poteva far sicuramente meglio. Se non altro perchè eravamo davvero pochi, e le condizioni erano davvero impervie (non siamo fortunati col tempo, ma ieri era quasi impossibile assistere alla gara..) . Inoltre un tifo sotto la tribuna, avrebbe reso di più...
Ribadiamo organizzativamente si poteva fare meglio, anche perchè se non si hanno queste "accortezze" é inutile poi "incolpare" la gente che " sta a casa".., ha davvero poco senso prendere acqua e gelo per 2 ore.....sarebbe bastato un annuncio dall'altoparlante (in passato é stato fatto...), tutti in tribuna. Va bene i colori, ma senza esagerare.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Savona-Renate: 0-0

I Bancoblù sbattono sul muro Renate.
Savona .
Finisce a reti inviolate the challenge of Savona home against Renate. A shame because the children of Mr. Foschi we have tried in every way to forfeit the three points, but a little 'for imprecision, some' bad luck (in addition to safe merits of guests) collect a single point.
A double sin, since results from other fields in the 25 th day of the Championship League Pro II.
swing Legino Rain and wind, freezing cold, and field to the limits of practicability. Three hundred spectators in total, really big boys in big steps that give a further proof of attachment to these colors, not stopping a moment to sing and encourage the team. At risk of hypothermia as the temperature, but will continue to sing.
the entrance of the teams in the field as required by the Football Federation and the cones has been played the anthem of Italy on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
Foschi waiver to deploy Tarallo and Facchinetti, a pain for the first accused in recent days, the second on the bench for a little flu. The module is the same, with 4-4-2 and Ingar German to try to disrupt the opponent's defense, which responds with a 4-3-3. The Savona play a red shirt, the classic black and blue with Renate.
In the first few minutes when both sides, it is not easy to play and control the ball in these conditions. 15 'Beautiful descent Mezgour of which is closed by the defense, however, Inter two minutes later lob insidious Mezgour bordering on goal. At 19 'the Savona dangerous forward with German, but makes a Campironi bell'uscita and blocks before the attacker biancoblù arrivals on the ball. The first shot on goal of Renate up to 24 'with Gavazzi that pulls out from high above the crossbar. At 30 'great save in two days of action on Nicastro from close of Renate. Over the past few minutes and relevant action after a minute, the referee sends everyone in the locker room.
At 4 'the second half with renewed energy the Savona is made dangerous descent Bottiglieri insidious passing shooting, SD nerazzurra in angolo. Al 12′ azione pericolosa del Savona con Bottiglieri, fallo di mano della difesa nerazzurra in area ma l’arbitro lascia proseguire mentre il Savona chiede il rigore. Tanto Savona nel secondo tempo che ci prova in tutti i modi. Girandola di sostituzioni al 39′ Cattaneo sfonda la difesa ma il guardalinee alza la bandierina. L’arbitro concede ancora 3 minuti di recupero prima del fischio finale. il Savona ha senza dubbio creato di più, entrambe le formazioni comunque hanno giocato a viso aperto una bella partita nonostante le condizioni del campo.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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febbraio, tra il carnevale ed Eurodisney

few words, some pictures, cold, rain, in February gave us a lot of emotions ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Dress For An Ice Skating Date?


Live the present. when you're eating, eat. When you're in love, love. When you're talking to someone, talk to him. When looking at a flower, look. Seize the day in its beauty. "

Love means open arms. if you close, you'll be alone with yourself. "

(both from Love, Leo Buscaglia)

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poetry from A Long Time Ago

" I exist as I am, That is enough,
If no other in the world be aware I sit content, And if
Each and all be aware I sit content. "

~ Walt Whitman," Song of Myself. "

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Valenzana-Savona: 0-1 (The beautiful video Fulvio Cerulli, crates and ball games ..).

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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"Mez" sinks Valenciana, Savona and engages the play.

Biancoblù scatenati, travolta anche the Valencian.
It was not easy, but Savona, while measuring out of Valencia with 3 heavy, and under other outcomes engages the zone playoffs. Before they lost all points: the Tritium beaten by Canavese (from bulging eyes ..) The Feralpi falling with Rodengo S., impacting against the Lecco Sambo of suitcases. And tonight the partitissima between 2 Pro, with televised on Rai Sport 1. Needless to say, we tifiamo for a nice balance. A race to watch, if only because the Valsesian in 2 weeks will be on show at Bacigalupo in one of the big match of the entire season (hopefully with a worthy setting public ..).
accounts in hand, no one did stop after the best of Savona. 17 points in 7 games, 5 wins and 2 draws (numbers steamroller). Foschi's team, along with Renate ( that Sunday will be Legino ....), remained among the most organic form in the league.
Sunday should be a worthy audience, the stakes are important, and the same season could ...... historical results. Savona's been years since he did not live these emotions, that we must act, and that all are committed to bring the public stage.
short, the missing nine days, but keep this momentum is allowed pensare in grande, e poi classifica alla mano, la vetta dista solo 6 lunghezze (con la Pro V. e la Tritium che ancora devono riposare...) perchè non crederci...

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Valenzana-Savona: 0-1

Valenza (AL).
Allo Stadio Comunale di Valenza si gioca la 25°giornata del campionato di Lega Pro II. Il Savona scende in campo per la prima volta con la divisa gialla, la Valenzana con la maglia rossoblù. Due i pullmann di tifosi biancoblù giunti da Savona che incoraggeranno i giocatori in campo per tutti i 90 minuti. Il Savona si schiera col collaudato 4-4-2, la Valenzana risponde con un 5-3-2. La prima azione rilevante della partita si registra all'11' quando Nicastro para a dangerous time in two of Allen. The Savona builds but Valencian is dangerous on the counterattack. 15 'German test a shot from distance but Serena para no problems. Two minutes later Caponi on the left makes a dangerous chetermina shot just wide of the pole to the left of Nicastro. At 32 'Savona danger to the cross by Montanari and Armour shot that ends out slightly. At 36 'comes the advantage biancoblù: Tarallo spear deep Mezgour that the square next to Serena. Two minutes later biancoblù close to doubling German vvicinata positioned to make a shot too and called Serena parasenza risk. The first part ends with a shudder: Bachlechner advantage of an error biancoblù defense, pulls ecolpisce the crossbar. The recovery begins with another risk to the Savona: action came from a corner, then we think Bottiglieri to sweep off the ball. The Savona runs some risk but covers well the spaces, then enters Foschi Facchinetti for German and Ingar for Mezgour. At 27 'Drudi test a powerful shot from outside the area that ends at the bottom. At 34 'header building that is too high over the crossbar. At 39 'Ingar solitary stands alone before Serena who is good at rejecting the foot and the action blurs. Climatic ending with capovolgiomenti opposite: the 48 'Capuano Ingar for hitting too high. Then the 47 'free-kick high over the crossbar Drudi and finally the whistle. They are literally these 3 golden points for biancoblù.
Valenzana : Serena, Allegrini (Benvenga 25 'pt), Forino, Arrigoni, Drudi, De Stefano, Affatigato, Montanari (Ridolfi 14's. T.), Bachlechner, Caponi, Corazza (Building 24's. T.). Herds Rossi - Facilities: Frigerio, Prandi, Bovi, Tankersley.
Savona: Nicastro, Candolini, Briones, Caputo, Marconi, Di Leo, Garin, Mezgour (Ingar 19's. T.), Bott (Cattaneo 36 'st), Tarallo, German (Facchinetti 8' st ). Herds Foschi - Facilities: Cicutto, Praino, Buglio, Ponzo
Scorers: Mezgour 36 'pt
Referee: Mr. Alexander Greek Lecce
NOTE: Booked: Mezgour 21'pt, Benvenga 43' pt, Drudi 45 'pt, De Stefano's 11. T. Corners: 6-1 Recoveries: 1'-4 '
Valenciana, Mr. Rossi regretted the defeat "The goal now has upset the plans, we raised the center of gravity and facilitated the restart of Savona. It 's a good time to sow little but collect . The technical
Savona, a beaming Foschi " was a heavy pitch where the game was played well. We fought and fought all the balls. We were good on the physical plane and we took advantage of the right ball. We were not good at not go and because we have built very close, we still have to improve on finishing. The guys did what was asked, now comes the fun or perhaps difficult, we must not give an inch ".
Finally Mezgour of Savona, the match winner and his first league goal:" I happy for me and for the team, we are working well and should continue. The goal came and we hope it bodes well for upcoming games. I dedicate myself and Bott that within the team was the one who most believed in me even when no ".
The results of the Pro League second division of the A group
Tritium-Canavese 0-1 76 'Germano (Can)
Rodengo-Feralpi Salo 1-0 54 'Martinelli (Rod)
Sambonifacese-Lecco 1-1 35' Moracci (LEC), 95 'Pietribiasi (Sam)
Renate-Mezzocorona 3-1 47' Moretti about rigor ( Ren), 58 'Ceredigion (Ren), 63' authority Conocchioli (Mez), 66 'Zanetti (Mez)
Pro Patria-Pro Vercelli postponed Monday at 20:45
Entella-Sacilese 2-0 10' Cargiolli (Ent), 64 'Marrazzo (Ent)
Casale-Sanremo 2-1 44' Oliver (CAS), 70 'Miale (San), 73' Pavoletti (San)
The standings.
Tritium 42
41 Pro Vercelli-41
Savona 39 36 35
Renate 34
Rodengo Saiano 33
Valenzana 27 21 42
Canavese 28 31 26
Virtus Entella
Sacilese 14 20 20
Sanremo 15.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Far Does A Closet Rod Hang From The Wall


Biancoblù I seek shot at Valencia.
Foschi this week has held high the concentration, speaking very clearly to the team and environment "If anyone thinks they're wrong for a walk, in the Valencian house is a very bad score, we give the best .... "keeps repeating like a mantra. And in fact, analyzing the scores of homemade jewelry can be seen as a bit 'all have suffered great and left points on the field.
attention, fear not, because you breathe in house biancoblù a moderate optimism, infirmary empty (Pauline also has recovered Ponzo), e squadra che settimana dopo settimana conferma, anche in allenamento, i progressi come condizione fisica.
Tra i 150 e i 200 i supporters biancoblù che giungeranno a Valenza (praticamente il Savona giocherà in casa..), Pullman, auto e perfino scooter. La tifoseria é pronta come domenica scorsa a spingere la squadra alla conquista dei tre punti.
La Valenzana del Presidente Omodeo ha 21 punti, e lotta per evitare di essere risucchiata verso il fondo della classifica. Nell'ultima partita gli orafi sono stati sconfitti a Renate per 1-0.
Inizio gara ore 14.30.

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Vitamins and drinks ...

L – Mamma, ma se il succo d’arancia fa bene per la febbre, perché l’ho vomitato?

M – Perchè eri troppo malato.

L – …e la Sprite va bene?

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Tarallo "We believe, we asked the prize promotion," Mr. Foschi

Intervista al bomber ex Pergocrema "We recovery, others are starting to be scared of us ..".
R: So how are you?
MT: Ready for Valencia, I like all my mates. We are optimistic and loads. Also this week we practiced well, finally we entered the state.
R: 9 goal scorer in, get what you think ...
MT: To those who are used to achieve the goal. I got a bad, short of preparation, I fear. Now I am completely healed, the game decided, and without fear. Thanks to Savona who believed in me, and Professor Martens I worked in Belgium.
A: The first time perceived the moans of the square on your performance ...
MT: It 's normal that when things do not you create those conditions, but then again I was sick, and however organized supporters have always shown me love.
R: Objective? Shoot the ..
MT: Winning the championship, this is the goal. And we really believe, so much that we asked a company - any - prize promotion. Then we clear all being well aware that we have nine points behind the head and there are only 10 days at the end.
A: Teams that have most impressed you?
MT: Pro Patria, and Tritium.
R: Close to Valencia for ....
MT: One result ....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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"At Valencia we can expect a battle .." Bacigalupo

Interview with Mister "If someone thinks he has already won are wrong ...".
It 'just finished the training session and Mr. Foschi is allowed to Biancoblutimes.
R: Mr. Sunday is important
LF: Exactly important and difficult, the Valencian remind everyone that stopped Tritium, Pro Patria, Pro Vercelli and, it is a difficult team to face in their home.
A: We're like?
LF: We good, now we have recovered condition, we get the ball first, physically strapped for 90 minutes short of yarn. The work done in the park makes you feel its beneficial effects.
A: On Sunday a struggling too agree ..
LF: It was not easy, the samba and closed all in their own half, and only aimed to destroy, put in the field, they play hard, and il gioco é fatto.
R: Un campo scandaloso...
LF: E' difficile giocare su questo terreno, anche se non voglio che diventi un alibi per nessuno, ma oggettivamente una squadra che vuole giocare in velocità é penalizzata.
R: Mister obiettivi...
LF: Dobbiamo guardare domenica dopo domenica, fare la corsa su noi stessi più che sugli altri. Siamo in buon momento, sfruttiamolo e giochiamo 10 finali, poi i conti li tireremo alla fine.
R: Mister sensazioni?
LF: Positive, il gruppo cresce, there is harmony ... when I see players who finished the training they stop in the locker room for half an hour still means that the group is united, cohesive .. really, they are not cliches, a coach perceives these things.
A: For the fans ..
LF: We are counting on you to reach those who need your support there before, like Sunday when you pushed the boys to win the race.

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Magnone falls on charge and the team "to win at Valencia."

17.00 on Wednesday, 02/03/2011, one of the historic steps of breaks in the cold polar Kisses and loads the environment.
"La Ely prima vittima..."
" Belan Ely, ma che nome gli avete messo alla mascotte....."
Magnone attende Mister e giocatori "Voglio esser rassicurato per Valenza.."

Magnone al mister "Per domenica niente scherzi Mister.."

"Domenica voglio voglio il tuo goal con dedica....."

Pellegrino e Magnone storici del tifo a confronto "Quante domeniche.....".