"Victor:" I paint like a madman, to hide the doubts I had. And the more questions I had painted as a madman. I cut out all the rest, I tried not to think about. The problems of Nina and my background unhappiness, lack of meaning in the relationships I had. My work had become a sort of local anesthetic, allowed me to live without feeling anything in the region of the heart and soul. Let me forget all the open questions of my life, and the more it seemed that the world I was grateful. They were all there to tell me how my paintings were important, as if to paint for the good of humanity rather than for myself ... "Subtracting attention to my soul, and conveying all the work. At certain times I do not remained even more to make a call to Nina in the evening or go to visit a friend. Every day I put all my forces in motion, and forces them to be in the field of painting, no? Then we just ran out the wave of adrenaline, I looked around and there was a vacuum. My life was neglected as a field without water, as the guru. There was nothing to the fund. I had not built anything, I had not grown at all, I had not given me anything to people who were near me. I was a sort of ghost, Uto. When I realized I was terrible crisis of depression ... "
... Marianne says:" He was so taken by him and his work, he could never find enough time for me and Jeff. Or Nina. When I tried to make him understand furious, she blamed me. He said he wanted to put my son in competition with her daughter. I was jealous and immature and fixed. I was mad, too. That he needed to be free and I just tried to imprison him. It made me despair, I felt so degraded and humiliated. He always had this energy that she put all just amazing painting .... "
Vittorio:" (Getting) to understand that it is a job, be happy. It is a building. You have to put down the table to table and one nail, and check again and again that everything is in place and keep it shoveled around. Ci vuole un sacco di manutenzione, Uto. Anche solo per stare insieme tra un uomo e una donna. È un lavoro. All’inizio ti sembra proprio il contrario, ti sembra tutto istinto e caso, una specie di dono della fortuna. Invece non è facile per niente. Se non cominci a lavorarci subito, va tutto in pezzi prima ancora che tu te ne accorga. Se non cominci a rovesciarci tutta l’attenzione la cura e il tempo e l’energia e l’immaginazione che hai. Io me ne sono reso conto tardi, ma è così.”"
(tratto da Uto , di A. De Carlo)
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