-A PSP with 6.20 OFW (also Go)
-HBL r. 109 with rescue amended Patapon 2 Demo [Download Here ]
-American Patapon 2 Demo (UCUS98734) [Download Here ]
-HEN [Download Here ]
or for 3000 (just enter the file on the Memory Stick)
HBL-3000 fix + HEN [Download Here ]
(USA demo Patapon 2 is also required) ----------------
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.:Prima di iniziare:.
0)Formattate la Memory Stick prima da pc in "Fat" e successivamente dalla Psp
1)Aprite l'archivio dell'HBL e mettete la cartella "hbl" e il file "h.bin" nella root della Memory Stick
2)Posizionate la demo di Patapon 2 (UCUS98734) in PSP->GAME
3)Posizionate l'HEN in PSP->GAME
4)Mettete il salvataggio modificato della Demo di Patapon 2 in PSP->SAVEDATA
5)Create nella root della Memory Stick la cartella ISO
.: Let's start the guide:.
1) Do the above procedure
2) Turn off the PSP, turn it on and go to Game-> Memory Stick and run "Patapon 2"
3) Select the first "No" second screen instead of "Yes"
4) Once in the game menu click "Continue", click then appear when "Load completed." click
5) Will you wait until the load when bottom right is not it will say "PUSH ANY BUTTON" and then click
6) Wait a few seconds you should see the wMenù select "HEN" and click
7) Once done you should reboot the PSP classsic menu and go back to the PSP (XMB)
(to see if everything was successful click , you should see a small menu transparency to remove it again DoubleClick )
Now you can start all homebrew you want to just put them on the Memory Stick in PSP-> GAME
NB: Each time you turn the psp you must redo the procedure from step 2
PS: If you want the HEN to start automatically, without selecting by wMenù, just put the EBOOT. PBP in hbl-> GAME
Quote: |
.: Operations Council:. To increase the chances of success in activating dell'HEN we recommend: 1. Format the Memory Stick (make a backup of the contents before the operation) 2. Format your flash1 by simultaneously pressing the keys + + + during the launch of the console next to a total shutdown of PSP (known as hard-reset) is obtained while for the other starting of the lever to turn off the console 3. Set to English 4. Turn off the WLAN .: Problems of homebrew using HEN:. Some users have reported trouble getting homebrew using HEN. This problem could be solved by this procedure: 1) Start the HEN 2) Remove the Memory Stick (make sure the orange light that indicates the read / scruttura the Memory Stick is off) 3) Press and select Restart VSH 4) Reinsert the Memory Stick NB: E 'should repeat steps 2 to 4 before each homebrew .: Go to the NDP:. Thanks all'HEN you can access the PSN following these steps: 1) Start the HEN 2) Press and set the Debug Mode in Fake Region I 3) Press and select Restart VSH 4) normal access to PSN NB: The success of the procedure is not guaranteed on all models of PSP |
Ora possiamo avviare gli homebrew ma come avviamo i backup dei nostri giochi (ISO)?
Prometheus ISO Loader
-Psp con HEN 6.20
-Prometheus ISO Loader [Download Qui ]
-Backup dei nostri giochi [Guida su come dumpare gli Umd Qui ]
0)Mettete la cartella che si trova all'interno Prometheus archive ISO Loader in PSP-> GAME
1) As you can see in your memory stick you have the folder "ISO" put your backup in there
2) Go into the Game-> Memory Stick, select "Prometheus ISO Loader" and start it
3) Once you start check to see if the bottom right corner it says "Current ISO MODE: NP9660" Otherwise CLICK
4) By directional arrows and select the game and click
5) Wait a few secondo e partirà il gioco
OpenIdea ISO Loader
L'OpenIdea ISO Loader è ancora una beta e quindi molti giochi non partiranno, ma con questo iso loader potremo avviare i backup da XMB
(quando uscirete da un gioco la psp crasherà)
-PSP con HEN
-OpenIdea ISO Loader 0.1 [Download Qui ]
-Didri ISO to EBOOT Converter[Download Qui ]
1)Estraete e copiate i 2 .prx dell'ISO Loader in PSP->SYSTEM
2)Estraete tutti i file che si trovano all'interno del "Didri ISO to EBOOT Converter" in una cartella vuota
3)Trascinate il vostro ISO/CSO su "iso_packer.exe" vi si aprirà una fiestra DOS, aspettate il completamento e vi troverete nella cartella del convertitore il vostro gioco in una cartella
4)Posizionate la cartella creata dal convertitore in PSP->GAME
5)Sulla PSP da Gioco>Memory Stick selezionate il vostro gioco e cliccate e divertitevi
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