Good! I missed Christmas, New Year, I will lose the Epiphany.
But only virtually. Meanwhile
retroactive wishes to all, I hope this holiday season there are donating what you fancy.
In my letter to Santa Claus I asked for courage, patience and complicity. Courage to wear the uniform and when not to want to take it off. Breaking with Giancarlo my husband and father of my children. Patience because I am a mother and patience there is not enough. What about ... Santa Claus does exist!
These past weeks have elapsed between the demands of work and family. Ale and Vale imaprato have to play bingo and cards, we ate like crap but with taste, the grandparents have the "full" of children and their grandchildren. No argument, just laughs. Intermittently, of course, because of my shifts at work but all in all it went well. They also managed to finish my swap gift for Carmen in time (will post pictures as soon as possible)!
And tomorrow morning sweets and chocolate milk will be our breakfast of witch ... Time passes quickly. Do you have your epiphanies of everyday life? Are those things, gestures, small rituals are very important but there are smiling inside ... I do not know, for example, the first cup of coffee of the day or the foam in the bathtub ... goodnight kiss your child, the sunshine of sunset reflection for 10 seconds on the Christmas tree, decorations year after year add to your home ... things like that are not fundamental but which make the special day. Or just a moment. A little 'as the gifts of the Epiphany, do not expect great things from her, poor old woman covered with rags, the bottom already so much that brings you sweets and fruit in addition to coal, though perhaps in fits we find a nice pair of warm socks bubble bath or a sweet sugar icing: not change your life but a sweet, warm feet and a smile scented bath at least I'll tear ... We have countless everyday epiphanies. And every day they might be different if only we stopped to listen with all our senses. Five would be enough, maybe even three a day, pinned somewhere. And if we're short of ideas there are the "timeless" such as health, a son returned home at night, no aliens come to conquer our planet ... epiphanies because they are not too important? That may be true but life goes on, we survive or reinvent your daily life to stay alive. And the day begins when you open your eyes and you have to get up and go to the toilet to pee: socks come in handy on the cold floor. Then a nice steaming coffee there is not bad, not!
So who's with me? All you need is a notebook, the more inviting and nice that you find. Take heed to the fabric, the cover design, the consistency of the paper. E 'with lines or squares? Everything was white or colored pages? Have you bought or have you packed? Now go to the pen or pencil or colors: pick and go. You have everything you need. Each night three things.
Let me know.
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