Monday, February 28, 2011

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Savona ready to hang his head.

Biancoblù The shorter, and prepare to play off the hook.
The leading group of lame, not counting the Lecco (who won before suffering a little more than 700 spectators ..), none of has centered the first 3 points. The Savona and then shortens knocks and overwhelmingly in the area playoffs, which is now only 2 points . remember among other things, that the banners have already rested, and also many of the direct confrontation with competitors playing in Legino. In short, everything is still possible, but it all meant ... no?.
The team also suffered Sunday. Ugly and sterile in the first half (even if the ground does not help ...), generous and determined in the second half .. Always looking for that blessed goal, which is probably within 10 'from the end, freeing up the cry of Bacigalupo.
So much effort, maybe too much against an opponent reduced to 10 to 70 minutes. The balance, the specter of a balanced (which already hovered at Legino ..) , would be a grave misstep , and also in terms of self-esteem, enthusiasm and the environment. Held by the intelligence of the team in adapting to the situation on Sunday was not easy to hold their nerve against the continual provocations of the guests. Yeah ... the provocations of Sambo imaginative coach Valigi , who said that for him football is something different from that played by the Savona ( thing we noticed all the stadium, seeing entratacce the work of his ..) , thought only to defend itself, and beat (more licks that ball on the ground ....) .
Una squadraccia insomma, povera di mezzi tecnici, e senza solisti di spessore, ma in compenso arcigna, e mazzaferraia . Per concludere: anche noi Dear Valigi vorremmo altri avversari al Bacigalupo, avversari che giocano al calcio, e non a tirar calci.. (e l'auspicio é quello di poterli vedere il prossimo anno..).
Tornando a noi, e lasciando perdere le bizzarre teorie di quell'ex centrocampista, il Savona deve riuscire a rimanere concentrato, senza sentirsi nè bravo, nè arrivato ( anche perchè non é arrivato da nessuna parte). Siamo nel bel mezzo del torneo, e in poche settimane si concentreranno gare che saranno determinanti to achieve its objectives, from that of Valencia, against the premises of the President Omodeo (old friend of typhoid Savonese ...).
Chapter fans: the virtual embrace with the team after the race with Sambonifacese was natural, not mechanical. Symptomatic of a relationship, which after being cooled, to grow back. The same author typhoid Sunday was a good test, the staircase has really pushed the team to victory. Typhus, which of course will be on the side of the team in Valencia small plant (let's get these categories ...).
In conclusion: who gave the final to biancoblù should think again. The locomotive Savona, you can bet, is ready to put the arrow.

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The Company "Great fans ....". Elisa

" Finally, after months of separation yesterday was seen cheering and compact deployed at the center of the" steps ". What has not gone unnoticed that the leadership has applauded several times the shouts of ultras groups. A puncture in Lombardy has prevented me from arriving on time, but I was lucky to get to a few seconds before the goal Kisses "robbed" by Poison. E 'was even more beautiful ....." Thanks.
Ilio Semino

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frisceu with the new mascot.

At the end of potential names for the mascot biancoblù, won the day frisceu ( most of the primaries to vote for the name with a lot of coupons in which the tick choice ...).
Here's a smiling Elisa Di Padova posing with frisceu.
MORE PHOTOS OF frisceu, with teams, and mist.
SUBSCRIBE if you have not already done so.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Finger Has Bump And Hurts To Bend

Savona-Sambonifacese: 1-0

The Savona found 3 points and tiers.
E 'lasted more than 1 hour line M aginot built by one of the teams having the most foul Bacigalupo, then thought for a crumbling touch poisonous Cattaneo. And to think that playing in the Savona outnumbered by more than one time because of the expulsion (right) remedies Sarzi to 25 '. Expulsion matured for a entrataccia thereof on Garin . But want to field ( further deteriorated, would agree to play at the mouth of Letimbro ) want to at first not, the race had started badly, so that the fans began to fear the worst . Fortunately Then came the goal, and obviously got the goal the Sambonifacese took to be discovered, and came close to doubling in Savona at least two occasions.
clement weather at the end of the much-feared have not seen rain, the wind (cold), and even a glimmer of sunshine, about a thousand spectators, with the steps ( finally with flags, but "strictly " no auction ... then there explain why the ...) which has supported the team for all 90 minutes . At the end of course the festival has exploded, with the team who came to thank the fans in the balustrade (felt like last year), some players climb on trellises looking for contact with the fans, pretty pictures ... was important to win, and I got the 3 points, now under the Valenzana .
Team sotto la gradinata (con bandieroni, senz'asta...)
SAVONA Nicastro , Candolini , Mbida , Capuano , Di Leo, Marconi, Garin , Mezgour , Facchinetti , Tarallo, Tedesco All. Foschi
A disposizione : Cicutti , Praino , Briano , Buglio, Cattaneo, Bottiglieri, Ingar
Sambonifacese Milan, Moretto, Fiorotto , Tecchio, Orfei, Viskovic , Sarzi , Jorginho, Brighenti, Staines, Rampinini Herds Case available : Bonato, Fiorini, Rocchiccioli T., Creati, Roicchiccioli I., Puntoriere , Pietribiasi
La cronaca:
Primo tempo brutto, il primo tiro in porta del Savona arriva al 13' con Cosimo Tedeso , che ricevendo dalla destra tenta la girata, ma il pallone arriva telefonato tra le braccia di Milan, al 25' l'episodio dell'espulsione di Sarzi . Al 35' tiro da fuori di Garin ma Milan para. La Sambonifacese anche in 10 si difende con ordine, puntando a spezzare il gioco con continui fouls. The first half ends without jerks. In the second half
Savona up the pace, the 12 'we try Tarallo, but the shot is too high. At 21 'there is still trying to Tarallo's free-kick, the ball ends out. At 31 'a shot from outside Garin, ball touches the post.
At 34 'in an action in air, a shot in Milan replies port Capuano, Cattaneo arrives and insists on the network, freeing the howl of Bacigalupo .
From now until the end, the Savona has two other occasions with Tarallo ( beautiful area in the tunnel ..), and Ingar . Then the whistle, la gioia dei tifosi. Il Savona bussa ai quartieri alti, e per Valenza ci sarà il solito seguito del tifo. La rincorsa é appena iniziata..

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The report cards

Nicastro 6 : Partita da minimo sindacale. Quasi mai impegnato.
Candolini 6,5 : Attento, esce palla al piede con grande autorità, sbriglia diverse situazioni. Bene.
Mbida6,5 : Generosissimo, nel secondo tempo é un inarrestabile stantuffo, prova perfino la soluzione personale. Peccato per certi cross nel 1° tempo, ma dei suoi piedi abbiamo già parlato...Giù Jean hat to the mastiff.
Capuano 7.5 : Gladiator. Retrieve balls, press, open the game, sew across departments, not the foot lever never around, and after he gets up to a standing ovation from the stands.
Leo 6.5: Accurate in closures, head wins duels with opponents on, it's good occasionally to wipe out, with that field is not appropriate to make leziosimo.
Marconi 7: In a defense that does not run very big risk is the best. Not anything wrong, timing in the closures, it also performs some good ball out al piede. Autoritario.
Garin 6,5 : Arriva dai suoi piedi una sberla che fa urlare al goal. Tanta impegno e corsa. Oggi uno dei fulcri della manovra biancoblù, lancia, suggerisce, inventa filtranti a nastro ma non tutti lo seguono a dovere.
Mezgour 5 (Cattaneo al 58' ): Sembra tornato il vecchio Mez, sbaglia completamente gara. Impacciato, lento, non gli riesce nulla. Nemmeno degli elementari cross, cosa che fa "imbestialire" la gradinata, che ne chiede la sostituzione.
Facchinetti 6 (Bottiglieri al 50') : It starts well, mobility and pressing on your opponents, then you lose some 'and often remains out of action, 50' Foschi pulls it off.
Tarallo 6.5 : You eat a sensational goal, but the team held high, taking too many blows. At the end he invents a number of high school, good for everything except shooting. Applause for him.
German 6 (Ingar to 67 ') : Protects the ball well, and proves to be grown as a condition. We are not disappointed.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Savona - Sambonifacese

to win the match Bacigalupo
Sunday is one of those games you do not fail for a team that needs to catch up. Is aware of the team, knows the company, and they know the fans. Of course the game is won on the field, the field already ... is so badly put our (and talk about light background) , which helps more people to break from those who must do is build the game. It is no coincidence that the best Savona speak out. Let there, however, this aspect should not be an alibi, if a team is strong and motivated to win the game by playing in a bed of a river. Coming to technical aspects in the usual practice match against Caps the "Ruff" ( won 8-0) the team and appeared in good shape, and even the nurses should be emptied. Curiosity: Sunday will be always chosen as the mascot of Savona (the dolphin on the home page).
The Sambonifacio has 27 points in the standings, and is a veteran of the home defeat suffered against Sanremese of Calabria. The Venetians in Savona, can not have two players. This is Daldegan Simone and Luca Ruggeri, both stopped for a day by a referee.

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During the match with Sambonifacese, voting is the name of the mascot ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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"Never mind, the objectives do not change ..."

La voce della Società sul blog "Conferma del - 4? E noi rilanciamo...".
Alla notizia del respingimento del ricorso la tifoseria ha reagito con rabbia prima e rassegnazione poi , ma proprio dalla Società arriva una lezione di stile "pazienza, ci riprenderemo tutto sul campo...".
Ilio Semino, ritornato ad essere punto di riferimento di blog e tifoseria, ha le idee chiare "pensiamo al campo ragazzi...domenica ci attende un match importante, da vincere, siamo in una fase in cui bisogna evitare passi falsi", confermi quindi che l'obiettivo é salire di categoria "ovviamente yes, we can say we believe in our field sales, we have everything to be able to focus, strength, structure, project started ... but we must show on the field can aspire to the jump in class, gossip zero ... ".
The Company confirms its objectives, and investments on the piazza Savona, although the reasons for their noses there .... " Well .. Needless to say we expected more in the professional, but not defeated, our project goes on ...", conclude Ilio "ends with a novelty: the future of marketing and merchandising will una Società di Roma, dei professionisti del settore, quale miglior occasione per presentarli..".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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inflexible Court action was dismissed!

La FANTASIOSA Corte di "Giustizia" Federale ha respinto i ricorsi di alcune reclamanti contro le penalizzazioni inflitte un mese fa, tra cui il Savona reo di aver inviato alcuni fax in ritardo, insomma una mancanza gravissima , pare che si sia perfino sfiorata la "radiazione del club .
I Biancoblù si ritrovano quindi con la penalizzazione confermata di 4 punti in classifica.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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The company is calling to the fans "To aim high is a hot bowl."

Semino pronto ad incontrare i tifosi "The team has primed the turbo, it's up to the fans now."
We are in a delicate stage of the season, perhaps decisive for the future balance of the tournament. You can not go wrong, starting from Sunday, where you must hit the win.
Company after a thrilling start to the season certainly not , break through the inertia and is calling upon its supporters. This aspect speaks Ilio Semino " Meet and talk, the Company supports calls on supporters' flags and so on ... if there are problems the fans know that they can count on us, we must rally round from Sunday to the team. Only one stage height is able to push the kids towards the goals that we all hope ... ".
On the blog, and less space given to the team this season, it must be said that until the relationship with the media was given by Semino you heard us up to 4 times a week (normal and there was more information then ...), also (and we always talk about last year ..) is We feel part of a common gear, this year is not exactly what happened (without wanting to blame anyone ). For many reasons.
However, this is the past, this is called playoff . And for this goal must call to unity throughout the environment. The Company continues with the operation "Meanwhile pays (only) Dad," which allows families to have access to the stadium for free, of course Transitalia book in time at the Point. Sunday is a must for a pass word in Town "If not now, when .... all at the stadium."

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Trezzo important business card.

Biancoblù live, and cheering us believe.
The brilliant balance of Trezzo confirm that the objective is absolutely affordable playoff team biancoblù, team still unbeaten in this new year. The change of gear after the Christmas break is evident (11 points in 5 races), also you have the feeling that the team plays more peaceful and conscious of its own, which was certainly not in the first half of the season.
The team is clearly growing, and the fact that it is in good run from 6 games is indicative of this brilliant moment. Foschi appeared to square the circle, and also the mental approach to racing is finally the right one.
The three consecutive victories against Sanremo, and Pro Patria Sacilese were preparatory to re-launch in a ranking that while seeing more of the group head off with a good margin, it seems more affordable. Front slowed down, this is a fact, and much of the second round must be played. The same does not seem to excite Pro Vercelli ( Sunday threatened to capitulate on several occasions, Rodengo) the Tritium has been tamed, the Pro Patria defeat two weeks ago, in short, the Savona is not inferior to anybody on the paper. Too bad for some missteps in the house. This trend must be reversed, at home you should win if we want to shorten the group ahead of us, starting from the next race at home, avoid errors.
the play-offs should be centered, and the public must do its part, everyone must be aware that it is entering a phase determinant of the season. The business card left Sunday Trezzo d'Adda and the important ones, if you continue on this false line no goal can be prevented.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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A strange idea of \u200b\u200bliterature

The second book I ever purchased for download on the Kindle begins:

" The way I see it, Being dead is not terribly let off from Being on a cruise ship. Most of your time is Spent lying on your back. The brain has shut down. The flesh begins to soften. Nothing much new happens, and nothing is expected of you . "

Not exactly the kind of reading to begin after midnight, eh? I have not yet figured out whether to start or giggling with chills down my back ...:-D

If you calculate that the first was about a child locked in a room, which the outside world is practically nonexistent, there are two cases: either step to the original, or total psycho!

BTW, respectively Stiff by Mary Roach Room and Emma Donoghue . Anyway, the first of these I downloaded from Project Gutenberg a huge amount of classics (re) read, including the obligatory Jane Austen ... I look more normal now? :-P

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