The Savona found 3 points and tiers.
E 'lasted more than 1 hour line M aginot built by one of the teams having the most foul Bacigalupo, then thought for a crumbling touch poisonous Cattaneo. And to think that playing in the Savona outnumbered by more than one time because of the expulsion (right) remedies Sarzi to 25 '. Expulsion matured for a entrataccia thereof on Garin . But want to field ( further deteriorated, would agree to play at the mouth of Letimbro ) want to at first not, the race had started badly, so that the fans began to fear the worst . Fortunately Then came the goal, and obviously got the goal the Sambonifacese took to be discovered, and came close to doubling in Savona at least two occasions.
clement weather at the end of the much-feared
have not seen rain, the wind
(cold), and even a glimmer of sunshine, about a thousand spectators, with the steps (
finally with flags, but "strictly " no auction ... then there explain why the ...) which has supported the team for all 90 minutes . At the end of course
the festival has exploded, with the team who came to thank the fans in the balustrade
(felt like last year), some players climb on trellises looking for contact with the fans, pretty pictures
... was important to win, and I got the 3 points, now under the
Valenzana .
Team sotto la gradinata (con bandieroni, senz'asta...)
SAVONA Nicastro , Candolini , Mbida , Capuano , Di Leo, Marconi, Garin , Mezgour , Facchinetti , Tarallo, Tedesco All. Foschi
A disposizione : Cicutti , Praino , Briano , Buglio, Cattaneo, Bottiglieri, Ingar
Sambonifacese Milan, Moretto, Fiorotto , Tecchio, Orfei, Viskovic , Sarzi , Jorginho, Brighenti, Staines, Rampinini Herds Case available : Bonato, Fiorini, Rocchiccioli T., Creati, Roicchiccioli I., Puntoriere , Pietribiasi
La cronaca:
Primo tempo brutto, il primo tiro in porta del Savona arriva al 13' con Cosimo Tedeso , che ricevendo dalla destra tenta la girata, ma il pallone arriva telefonato tra le braccia di Milan, al 25' l'episodio dell'espulsione di Sarzi . Al 35' tiro da fuori di Garin ma Milan para. La Sambonifacese anche in 10 si difende con ordine, puntando a spezzare il gioco con continui fouls. The first half ends without jerks. In the second half
Savona up the pace, the 12 'we try Tarallo, but the shot is too high. At 21 'there is still trying to Tarallo's free-kick, the ball ends out. At 31 'a shot from outside Garin, ball touches the post.
At 34 'in an action in air, a shot in Milan replies port Capuano, Cattaneo arrives and insists on the network, freeing the howl of Bacigalupo .
From now until the end, the Savona has two other occasions with Tarallo ( beautiful area in the tunnel ..), and Ingar . Then the whistle, la gioia dei tifosi. Il Savona bussa ai quartieri alti, e per Valenza ci sarà il solito seguito del tifo. La rincorsa é appena iniziata..