Monday, February 28, 2011

Dangerous Of Blue Tooth Ear Phone

Savona ready to hang his head.

Biancoblù The shorter, and prepare to play off the hook.
The leading group of lame, not counting the Lecco (who won before suffering a little more than 700 spectators ..), none of has centered the first 3 points. The Savona and then shortens knocks and overwhelmingly in the area playoffs, which is now only 2 points . remember among other things, that the banners have already rested, and also many of the direct confrontation with competitors playing in Legino. In short, everything is still possible, but it all meant ... no?.
The team also suffered Sunday. Ugly and sterile in the first half (even if the ground does not help ...), generous and determined in the second half .. Always looking for that blessed goal, which is probably within 10 'from the end, freeing up the cry of Bacigalupo.
So much effort, maybe too much against an opponent reduced to 10 to 70 minutes. The balance, the specter of a balanced (which already hovered at Legino ..) , would be a grave misstep , and also in terms of self-esteem, enthusiasm and the environment. Held by the intelligence of the team in adapting to the situation on Sunday was not easy to hold their nerve against the continual provocations of the guests. Yeah ... the provocations of Sambo imaginative coach Valigi , who said that for him football is something different from that played by the Savona ( thing we noticed all the stadium, seeing entratacce the work of his ..) , thought only to defend itself, and beat (more licks that ball on the ground ....) .
Una squadraccia insomma, povera di mezzi tecnici, e senza solisti di spessore, ma in compenso arcigna, e mazzaferraia . Per concludere: anche noi Dear Valigi vorremmo altri avversari al Bacigalupo, avversari che giocano al calcio, e non a tirar calci.. (e l'auspicio é quello di poterli vedere il prossimo anno..).
Tornando a noi, e lasciando perdere le bizzarre teorie di quell'ex centrocampista, il Savona deve riuscire a rimanere concentrato, senza sentirsi nè bravo, nè arrivato ( anche perchè non é arrivato da nessuna parte). Siamo nel bel mezzo del torneo, e in poche settimane si concentreranno gare che saranno determinanti to achieve its objectives, from that of Valencia, against the premises of the President Omodeo (old friend of typhoid Savonese ...).
Chapter fans: the virtual embrace with the team after the race with Sambonifacese was natural, not mechanical. Symptomatic of a relationship, which after being cooled, to grow back. The same author typhoid Sunday was a good test, the staircase has really pushed the team to victory. Typhus, which of course will be on the side of the team in Valencia small plant (let's get these categories ...).
In conclusion: who gave the final to biancoblù should think again. The locomotive Savona, you can bet, is ready to put the arrow.


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