Accesso alla Terra. Una proposta politica
Accesso alla Terra. Una proposta politica
Yo pregunto a los presentes
si no se han puesto a pensar
que esta tierra es de nosotros
y no de el que tenga màs...
Con accesso alla terra si può intendere varie cose, com'è risaltato anche
dall'assemblea genuina clandestina di Perugia. In questo caso mi limito a
prendere in considerazione proprio il significato etimologico dell'espressione:
il problema di come poter aver terra per vivere e riprodursi.
La lotta per l'accesso alla terra ha una dimensione diacronica e geografica
che potremmo definire universale. Da quando la vita collettiva dell'essere
umano si rompe, da quando si spezza la relazione sacrale con la Mother Goddess, from
that arises when private property, there are men and women who remain
excluded from land ownership, so seeing the
put in jeopardy their chance to live and reproduce (on this interesting aspect is the first chapter
de "The return of the peasants," Silvia Perez Vitoria,
Jaca Book). "From the dawn of time" until now, the struggle for land, that is for the
life, has never ceased, even
has grown in proportion to the concentration in a few hands of his property. At any latitude and longitude,
men and women have fought and are fighting for a piece of land. Today, Via Campesina,
extraordinary international union was born fifteen years, collects
farmers' associations of all continents.
and Italy in 2010, you can or you can speak of a struggle for access to land
The current situation: two exemplary stories
The first story goes back to late September. Looking for a property to buy
, that is, some ruins and a few acres, four guys are
visiting the high hills of Umbria, in the area between Umbertide Preggio,
Tezio between Monte and Monte Acuto, a heavily wooded area, beautiful, full of ancient houses
residual structure sharecropping. Currently, most of the houses
occur, albeit having from afar, well restored. But
focuses the attention of children to something apparently much more accessible
: a ruin with a volume of 500 sqm total, with around
twenty hectares of forest cut this year and some arable
steep and full of brambles. When the owner fires the price falls the frost
: 600 000 €. The boys indignant and talk about madness,
owner, a lovely old farmer, said the Americans have
bought and are buying for far greater numbers. -Just-add-
restructure and there are holiday homes from 1200 € per day. But they put us all eh ...
swimming pool, tennis court, even a mini-golf ha fatto...-
La Terra, le nostre campagne trasformate in residenze e/o parchi divertimento
per ricchi. O ancora per centro di relax per stressati dal bussiness e dalla
città. I prezzi schizzano alle stelle. E chi la Terra la vorrebbe per viverci
e riprodursi spesso costretto, per mancanza o inadeguatezza delle proprie
risorse finanziarie, a rimanere a guardare...
La seconda storia dura circa un anno e mezzo e ha un triste epilogo (o almeno
così pare) il 20 luglio di quest'anno. E' la storia del “Progetto Casa
Bandita”, ossia del tentativo di recupero di due casali e di dodici ettari di
proprietà demaniale nel parco del Monte Subasio attraverso un progetto
of environmental education and organic farming. After a year and a half of work
territory, pressure, push and pull and struggle
after the establishment of a cooperative that is beginning to make environmental education and to work with local communities
finally released in late June announcement . Not the best possible
calls, not the best possible situation, but finally
real chance to get hold of these public domain. The House Bandita
collective system, the project grew in this year and a half,
and fulfills all legal formalities and formal (absurd pallosissime,
irritant). Three days after the expiry of the notice, July 17, la bomba:-Se
presentate il progetto il bando verrà annullato- riferisce Marco Galli,
direttore della Comunità Montana dei Monti Martani, Serano e Subasio, che poche
ore prima aveva ricevuto la telefonata intimidatoria di Stefano Guerrini,
potente e temutissimo funzionario regionale a capo del demanio in Umbria. “Ti
stai facendo cazzi che non sono tuoi, attento al posto di lavoro e alla
carriera” minaccia al direttore, colpevole di essersi messo contro per far
uscire finalmente il bando. Già perchè l'ingegnere Guerrini le aveva provate
tutte in questo anno e mezzo, arrivando anche a plateali scontri pubblici con
l'ex assessore Riommi e tentando, tra febbraio and March, to get rid of the
resolution of the county council on February 5, authorizing the CM to put
to call the State property in question. Guerrini,
powerful official who manages the state property as if it was his stuff.
vision of private-public ownership, management, business and personalities of that property.
He manages sales, old lender he
tenants by forcing them to buy, he decided to leave in other pieces of land abandonment
them to devalue and then to make the speculation a few dear friend. Guerrini, father
owner of the domain in Umbria has always been against the project Casa Bandita
because he dreams big investment pools, per cubic Park of the
Subasio ... numbers that it is easier than the pocket mirror and project
House Bandita valid politically, ethically and socially, but with little investment
... Moral of the story: The contract is canceled on 20 July
, the day ends, despite the support of the project com mon.,
of the town of Nocera Umbra, the CIA, the State Property Sviluppumbria
in Umbria is not public property, but it is the engineer.
Stefano Guerrini. At best, it can become a source of speculation, a place for wealthy tourists and
... but never to be given to those who want to live on earth, who
that territory to protect and conserve. And in other
parts of Italy? Mr. Guerrini many are there? What happens to
the public lands, what state are they?
In Italy there is currently a problem of access to land, that is
there are many men and women who would like to return to Earth, it
live and coexist with it, but for economic reasons can not afford it? O
without access because the public lands, numerous and often abandoned
are considered private property and a source of speculation for
bureaucrats and politicians?
In Italy access to the Earth appears as a matter of need or social need
? There is a social force that enables us to speak
fight for the land, to claim the right to land? Or is
distorted perception of those who want this land and longs? The proposed policy
If the answer to that question is that the problem is that
access to land is a problem in a few short
personally think it is difficult to build on it a struggle and a political claim
. This does not mean that those who try to access it should or should not give up
fight for this, but I think in this case there is the possibility of
adequate national campaign to seek social consensus, to open a significant cycle struggles to address
power front forcing a redistribution of public lands
If instead we consider that it is widespread social need,
that there are strengths, skills and wills, it is our duty to open a public discussion
to organize a movement that claims the right to land
. Within
Genuine Clandestino,
peasant resistance movement begins to move, the only Italian company able to connect and pick up the baton
the global struggle of the peasants and farmers of Via Campesina
, we might begin to discuss and organize how many and how much we demand
or would like to claim il diritto all'accesso alla
terra. L'incontro di Napoli è lontano e c'è il tempo per lavorare, per vedere
se nella prossima primavera possiamo lanciare una campagna nazionale per il
diritto alla terra. Una campagna pubblica, fatta di incontri, lotte,
occupazioni, pressioni, inchieste, richieste per aprire una grande vertenza per
la redistribuzione delle terre demaniali.
Ci sono le condizioni, ci sono le forze, c'è l'interesse, c'è la volontà per
la nascita in Italia di un movimento dal basso e autorganizzato che possa
gridare “La terra è di chi la lavora e di chi la difende?”. C'è la possibilità,
all'interno di Genuino Clandestino, to launch the Movement of Landless
Fabio Santori
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