Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Does The Name Art Mean?

il mio bicchiere mezzo pieno anche se non c'è niente dentro

Ricorderò questo inizio di autuno per l'entusiasmo provato per il lavoro, la concentrazione per le nuove responsabilità, il mettermi alla prova affrontando le mie paure, l'opportunità di conoscere a fondo vecchie colleghe; ma anche per un incidente che mi "ha femata" e mi sono ritovata a sperimentare e ricominciare a dedicare il tempo ad "altro", quell'altro che fino a qualche giorno fa continuavo a mettere da parte per potermi dedicare al resto.
E stamattina, tarda mattinata, mentre il pane cuoceva in forno. il polpettone riposava sul piano di lavoro della cucina, i bambini giocavano nella loro cameretta, Gianc sistemava l'area PC family, while I breathed it all around, wide-open living room window, I felt grateful. You know when there are those moments that last a moment (pardon the pun) that Sebra never end? As a child I loved life and where it could srivevo. Growing up I continued to love her but I started to keep it for me, so that eventually I stopped saying these few words.
Until this morning.
I love life, love my life, my everyday life.
With all the bad times and difficult. I tried, changed, waived away. I tried, trembling, crying, believed, experienced. Appreciated. Often, no half measures. More often shades, never come to terms with what they did not believe deeply. I am happy today to 37 years, two children, a husband, a house with a mortgage, a job that although it is not my passion, it is certainly a source of emotion.
Why this is my life. Today.
Lucky? Yes, a lot.
But my glass is always half full, even when there is nothing inside.
Happy autumn to everyone.


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