Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Is High Grade Dcis

Nothing SMS while driving!

AT & T posts a video with the relatives of the young victims of road accidents causati da messaggini.

E’ un video forte. Vale veramente la pena perdere la vita o causare incidenti mortali a causa di un LOL?

(Da Zeus News )

Monday, December 27, 2010

Angel Baseball Theme Cakes

Modifica psp 3000 - Go con 6.20

.: Requirements:.

-A PSP with 6.20 OFW (also Go)

-HBL r. 109 with rescue amended Patapon 2 Demo [Download Here ]

-American Patapon 2 Demo (UCUS98734) [Download Here ]

-HEN [Download Here ]

or for 3000 (just enter the file on the Memory Stick)

HBL-3000 fix + HEN [Download Here ]

(USA demo Patapon 2 is also required) ----------------

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------
.:Prima di iniziare:.

0)Formattate la Memory Stick prima da pc in "Fat" e successivamente dalla Psp

1)Aprite l'archivio dell'HBL e mettete la cartella "hbl" e il file "h.bin" nella root della Memory Stick

2)Posizionate la demo di Patapon 2 (UCUS98734) in PSP->GAME

3)Posizionate l'HEN in PSP->GAME

4)Mettete il salvataggio modificato della Demo di Patapon 2 in PSP->SAVEDATA

5)Create nella root della Memory Stick la cartella ISO


.: Let's start the guide:.

1) Do the above procedure

2) Turn off the PSP, turn it on and go to Game-> Memory Stick and run "Patapon 2"

3) Select the first "No" second screen instead of "Yes"

4) Once in the game menu click "Continue", click then appear when "Load completed." Cerchio click

5) Will you wait until the load when bottom right is not it will say "PUSH ANY BUTTON" and then click Croce R1

6) Wait a few seconds you should see the wMenù select "HEN" and click Croce

7) Once done you should reboot the PSP classsic menu and go back to the PSP (XMB)

(to see if everything was successful click SELECT, you should see a small menu transparency to remove it again DoubleClick SELECT)

Now you can start all homebrew you want to just put them on the Memory Stick in PSP-> GAME

NB: Each time you turn the psp you must redo the procedure from step 2

PS: If you want the HEN to start automatically, without selecting by wMenù, just put the EBOOT. PBP in hbl-> GAME

.: Operations Council:.

To increase the chances of success in activating dell'HEN we recommend:

1. Format the Memory Stick (make a backup of the contents before the operation)

2. Format your flash1 by simultaneously pressing the keys Triangolo Quadrato + + + START SELECT during the launch of the console next to a total shutdown of PSP (known as hard-reset) is obtained while for the other starting of the lever to turn off the console

3. Set to English

4. Turn off the WLAN

.: Problems of homebrew using HEN:.

Some users have reported trouble getting homebrew using HEN. This problem could be solved by this procedure:

1) Start the HEN

2) Remove the Memory Stick (make sure the orange light that indicates the read / scruttura the Memory Stick is off)

3) Press and select Restart SELECT VSH

4) Reinsert the Memory Stick

NB: E 'should repeat steps 2 to 4 before each homebrew

.: Go to the NDP:. Thanks

all'HEN you can access the PSN following these steps:

1) Start the HEN

2) Press SELECT and set the Debug Mode in Fake Region I

3) Press and select Restart SELECT VSH

4) normal access to PSN

NB: The success of the procedure is not guaranteed on all models of PSP


Ora possiamo avviare gli homebrew ma come avviamo i backup dei nostri giochi (ISO)?

Prometheus ISO Loader


-Psp con HEN 6.20

-Prometheus ISO Loader [Download Qui ]

-Backup dei nostri giochi [Guida su come dumpare gli Umd Qui ]


0)Mettete la cartella che si trova all'interno Prometheus archive ISO Loader in PSP-> GAME

1) As you can see in your memory stick you have the folder "ISO" put your backup in there

2) Go into the Game-> Memory Stick, select "Prometheus ISO Loader" and start it

3) Once you start check to see if the bottom right corner it says "Current ISO MODE: NP9660" Otherwise CLICK SELECT

4) By UP directional arrows and select the game and click DOWN Croce

5) Wait a few secondo e partirà il gioco

OpenIdea ISO Loader


L'OpenIdea ISO Loader è ancora una beta e quindi molti giochi non partiranno, ma con questo iso loader potremo avviare i backup da XMB

(quando uscirete da un gioco la psp crasherà)


-PSP con HEN

-OpenIdea ISO Loader 0.1 [Download Qui ]

-Didri ISO to EBOOT Converter[Download Qui ]


1)Estraete e copiate i 2 .prx dell'ISO Loader in PSP->SYSTEM

2)Estraete tutti i file che si trovano all'interno del "Didri ISO to EBOOT Converter" in una cartella vuota

3)Trascinate il vostro ISO/CSO su "iso_packer.exe" vi si aprirà una fiestra DOS, aspettate il completamento e vi troverete nella cartella del convertitore il vostro gioco in una cartella

4)Posizionate la cartella creata dal convertitore in PSP->GAME

5)Sulla PSP da Gioco>Memory Stick selezionate il vostro gioco e cliccate Croce e divertitevi

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rockabilly Baby Invitations

Dear Customer (again), My beautiful mountains

capisco che hai fretta, che non hai soldi, e che vorresti tutto il prima possibile (o meglio ancora per ieri), ma ti sfido a trovare qualcuno che traduca *bene* 50 cartelle di medicina, a metà prezzo, in 5 giorni Natale e Santo Stefano compresi.

(Questi cari clienti cominciano a essere un po’ ottusangoli.)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Medieval Total War No Cd 1.1


Panorama from Bisbino I took this New Year's Day came to my mind recently, when on faccialibro passed me the link to this movie, filmed in Bisbino:

Why Do Curad Bandage Sparkle In The Dark



Old Photo, snow on the rise. In a few hours you must send the dogs to find me!

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Old Are Goldfish At Pet Store?

Dear customer,

what, exactly, you are unclear in the phrase "I do technical translations?

What, exactly, you are unclear in the sentence "If the technical component is contained in a medical device that is * not * a translator doctor is able to translate it correctly?

What, exactly, you are confusing the concept "A simple little phrase for an engineer may not be the same for a degree in languages \u200b\u200bspecializing in medical translation * *"?

Finally, what exactly you are unclear in the phrase "I am Italian mother tongue, and I do not translate into French?

... Sometimes I feel like banging your head against the Great Wall of China.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Sister Is Preganant Poem

Book! A brilliant parody. Geography

When you call a good advertisement for reading:

(other than our mouth, where it seemed that the people instead of reading books were merely to give them to someone else ...)

Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Build A Dune Buggy


Before studying geography, the infant was thought that the U.S. meant Spectacular Custom of Arithmetic:-P

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Islamic Message For Wedding

The Swedes know the long (no, not about the Ikea)

have less fear and more hope
chews more and eat less
breathe sighs of more and less
Talk less, but communicates more
Love more, and all good things are yours
Proverbio svedese

(via AndroideMinimalista )

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Do People With Hiv Get Sick A Lot

Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.

Shakti Gawain

Michelin Tires Vs Toyo

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."

~Unknown, via @ tinybuddha

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Western Union Accelerator

Running quotes

Oggi è ricco veramente chi dispone del tempo per sé

Orlando Pizzolato

We know how the impossible becomes routine

because we run.

(Triumph commercial)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Asthma: Ventilation Or Perfusion Problem

"Writer's block,

days like today are so very hard, having the words but now knowing how to say them, not knowing how to make them into coherent sentences, not knowing the reasons why or how”

(via scribble-scribbles ) (via ilovereadingandwriting )

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Kind Of Phone Does Andy Sixx Have

Grazie per...

Thanks for yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Thanks to Maia,
small kitten joined our family.
Thanks for the light that shines in the eyes of Alexander
and the tenderness of his smile. Thanks to Valerio
that these days puts a strain on my patience.
Thanks for the confidences of a friend.
Thanks for Giancarlo.
And much more.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Inescudna E Nadinejensen

this moment

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Vba Gpsphone Pokemon Emerald Save

Mi sa che questa ve la devo spiegare...

I write this post (looong post, sorry) especially considering that you have your left a trace in my previous post. Thank you, really, I did not think ... I did not want anyone to grieve ... I'm embarrassed. Professional nurse and are performing services in a neonatal intensive care units in Rome. But this is not my passion is just my great compromise. A
20'anni I succumbed to the insistence of a father who for years has done nothing but ask me to do the course as a nurse. I did not want. I wanted to do something else.
boredom, because I had nothing else to do in the end I tried. Rationally speaking I could pretty well: do not faint at the sight of needles, blood does not bother me that much, I had no problems with dirty diapers. I liked, no I did not like, no passion or phrases "will become the nurse best in the world!" I had nothing else to do, that's all. In fact, over the course close the diploma in a drawer and I dedicate myself to something else.
My desire for independence, the head, rationality, lead me to choose to retrace my steps, "ok, I'll do the nurse and this will be my great compromise of life." And so a bit 'here before and a bit' after landing there in the neonatology department of the hospital there. "Just as long as I go, "I repeated," all in all it's nice to keep the berries from all of these babies ... "Come early in the vortex and the time passes. Two desired pregnancies one after the other they keep me away for almost 4 years. The return to work is devastating. I want a wife and mother! I lose what little motivation I have and more new service requirements in the neonatal intensive catapult me: total rejection. The emergency paralyzes me, not I know what I do, I feel a burden to her colleagues: turning the area into a monster fierce criticism from which to escape. cowardly, defeated by my own fears, I can not go back in neonatal critical but the monster is always within me, lying in wait. Then the collapse. First panic attacks, anxiety and insomnia after, a summer outside of the profession with the dismissal letter in the drawer. Thankfully never sent ... I ask for help from a specialist and together we make the point. Girl is time to return and face the monster ... but with my time. And so it happens. The first 'in October last year I choose to return to service. The first 'in October of this year I officially assigned to the section of neonatal intensive care. Flanked by a fellow tutor. I still tremble? Of course I tremble every time he crosses the threshold, an offering every time I open the incubator, each time a parent comes and asks you not to mention "as it is today, will do it?". I tremble for any alarm, for each drug to be prepared for any paper work to be completed. For every breath I do not remember how to be mounted. I tremble for any emergency that we face. Only now I do not shoot back. Not anymore. My monster is turning into a ... "Mostrilli. Companion of a new journey whose destination is not established. My great compromise, not my passion, not an act of admirable courage, just a gift. Unexpected. If I believed in God would say it is a grace received, if I were a fatalist would say that is my destiny. I do not know what it is. It is certain that at this time professionally speaking I could not be anywhere else I would not be me. Then tomorrow, who knows, the dismissal letter is still in the drawer.
Perciò, ricapitolando, non sono così coraggiosa o ammirevole per quello che faccio...
Mi sento un po' come Trilli che desiderava essere altro a dispetto del suo personale talento ( se non avete visto il film andatelo a vedere). Forse siamo in tanti come lei. L'unica differenza e che lei è il suo talento, senza possibilità di altra scelta. Noi scegliamo di poter essere il nostro talento e il nostro compromesso e fare in modo che l'uno alimenti l'altro, piano piano, passo passo.
Vi ho sufficientemente annoiate? Vabbè, Buonanotte!


Monday, November 8, 2010

What Does Brain Thickening Mean

(K)nulla 1, da un'iniziativa di Navigo a vista

(K) to nothing this past night's work. The feeling of helplessness, to realize that they can not do more of what you are doing, in that moment where you realize it can not do and that maybe (just terrible to think) that maybe it's better that way. Looking through the eyes colleague, with your gaze to the doctor ... go ahead because you can not give up, we hope until the end. But the end comes, after all life slips away. Then stop. Look at the time. Strangely, you can not stand up and start doing. Hot water, cotton wool, with a kind gesture and pay attention to the latest treatments. You take it in her arms, speaking in spite of everything, wrap it in and laid him nell'icubatrice SHEET. Take a step back and stay there. Hoping not to collapse. Why can not you fall in front of dad. He needs your strength not to lose her. He has already spoken to the doctor who explained what was done. At the end turn and a small voice says "thanks for everything" and leaves. And there collapses. I collapse. (K) then nothing! Start to make because you need to do. There are other babies to care. We think after a collapse. Now we must go forward. The final round ends, slowly come home trying to stay focused on the road. 52 km are a lot every time but this morning I just unbearable. Enter now at home, the alarm points at 1545 and slept on the double-roomed apartment, without even taking off the shoes. You just want to sleep. The alarm sounds, something in your stomach, go get Wren to kindergarten, laugh, jokes, aspects Cub bus stop, take them around to get the material to build the lanterns, lanterns made while preparing dinner. Make them dinner, a box squatting on the sofa, good night. And finally, the tears come. (K) NOTHING.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sorafenib Nexavar 200

storia della regina irascilbile, la saggia giardiniera e una meridiana di ottone

Sarah Ban Breathnach.

There once was a powerful queen irascible. One autumn, when the year began to turn to a close, the queen fell into a deep melancholy. I could not 'eat it' to sleep, often crying tears of unknown origin that sent on a rampage, triggering excessive anger that made us tremble with fear those who stood beside her.
Every day the queen summoned a new director chosen by her outstanding group of essays, court physician, astrologer, the sensitive, the alchemist, the herbalist, the philosopher. All were dismissed on charges of quackery for not being able to unravel the mystery of the evil spell. They all felt lucky to keep their illustrious careers shortened. "There must be someone among you who knows the source of my suffering!" cried the Queen, in despair. But his pathetic complaint was upheld only by an awkward silence as everyone feared his wrath.
Only the real gardener, moved with pity for the poor woman, came to the throne, "Come into the garden, Your Majesty, your autosegregazione over the wall ..." The queen was so desperate that he did what was asked.
When he came out in the garden, the first time in many weeks, he noticed that the bright and vivid colors of summer had faded and the garden looked bare. He saw, however, was not entirely devoid of beauty and, indeed, was regal in its brilliant crimson and gold tones. The air was pleasantly cool and invigorating and the sky a pure blue. "It's about pickles."
"Your Majesty, what suffers is not your body will 'of your mind. It' s your soul that needs healing. You suffer from a disease that afflicts us all. Just like the seasons of the natural world are moving into a cycle of life, death and rebirth, so the spirits are raised land to sink into sadness and joy in the seasons of emotions. There are days when we should give thanks for the harvest of the heart, however small it may be, and prepare to 'arrival this year. The daylight hours decrease and increase the hours of darkness. But the real light in the world of nature never goes out. And the same goes for your soul. My beloved Queen, do not fear the dark, the light and you know Tornari other happy hours. Of this I am sure. "
Queen, reflecting on these words of wisdom asked the gardener come facesse a possedere il segreto della pace interiore. La giardiniera la condusse a una meridiana d'ottone. Portava scritto:
" Anche questa passerà "

After A 70% Reduction

...quatto quatto si avvicina...

Novembre quatto quatto si avvicina, cogliendo i nostri sensi di sorpresa. Di colpo, come osservò tristemente il poeta inglese Thomas Hood due secoli fa, non c'è "ombra, ne' splendore, ne' farfalle, ne' api, ne' frutti, ne'fiori, ne' foglie, ne' uccelli". Fuori, steli grigio-argento rivelano un paesaggio striato di pretenziosità. Dietro porte chiuse, ambrati fuochi ardenti gettano luce sul reale. Come una donna che ha trovato la sua autenticità, November radiates beauty from within.

Sarah Ban Breathnach
from "The charm of the simple life"

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Best Running Shoes For Heavy Runners

"Fa' posto al mistero, riconosci la magia." Sarah Ban Breathnach

from "The charm of the simple life":
Finally it's time for witches. Halloween, the eve of All Saints. Someone will accompany some little elf to his patrol established; love, care, kindness will offer protection ... Others, on the doorstep, welcome the spirits bright with sweet gifts ... Halloween is derived from pre-Christian Celtic festival of Samhaim, which fell on October 31, the last night of autumn before Delk cold and desolation of winter. That night, considered the Celtic New Year, the Druids believed that the supernatural world gets closer to land and dependent, so, human beings were more susceptible to the power and influence of the invisible. The spells are easier, divination (predicting the fate) could reveal many things and dreams took on a special meaning ... We still believe. Being human, I think Halloween is the perfect way to remember the magic that flows in us and the mystery that permeates all the meetings all day. We materialize the shoe that we can not find at home, we transform the leftovers into a feast, we gather from the land made barren, dispels fear, healed wounds, we do money at the end of the month. We pick him up, cradled, cared for and sustain life. We do all this and much more ... Is not magic that you take when you create an authentic lifestyle for you and your loved ones? Are you not giving form to invisible forces, with your creativity and strength of your soul, bringing in the real world, through the passion, things that previously existed only in the spiritual realm? ... How strong you were given. This evening, by candlelight or moonlight in the garden of the house, took care to use your power wisely for the good of everyone. You have no idea how many lives it touches throughout your life ... Go '... acknowledge with grateful hearts your lineage and your authentic gifts ...
di Sarah Ban Breathnach

Io non avrei saputo spiegarlo meglio.
Oggi , più che mai, benvenuti a casa.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sins Punishable By Death

this moment